More DH Debates – DHThis

On September 10, several people launched DHThis to aggregate DH content loosely based on the Slashdot model of voting content up or down. There was a lot of excitement and immediate controversy. Within half an hour a critique of the site was blogged. Much of the back-and-forth is accessible at Twitter hashtag #dhthis. I don’t have time to Storify this, but here is some of the discussion on Twitter from the first few days.

Cordell, Ryan (ryancordell). “I’M unsure whether/how the votes-based #DHthis will avoid the popularity contests it hopes to supplant, but will be happy to be proved wrong.” 10 Sep 2013, 15:16 UTC. Tweet.

dh+lib (DHandLib). “Crowdsourcing the Best DH Content: Introducing #DHThis, the #DigitalHumanities Slashdot |” 10 Sep 2013, 15:49 UTC. Tweet.

Kirschenbaum, Matthew (mkirschenbaum). “This from @whitneytrettien pretty much sums up why I won’t be registering for a #dhthis account: +.” 10 Sep 2013, 20:15 UTC. Tweet.

Widner, Michael (mwidner). “”Towards a Front Page for the Digital Humanities”: My first thoughts about #DHThis.” 11 Sep 2013, 18:06 UTC. Tweet.

Koh, Adeline (adelinekoh). “@mwidner …iteration. Would you be willing to work together with us on building next platform? #dhthis.” 11 Sep 2013, 20:40 UTC. Tweet.

Koh, Adeline (adelinekoh). “@adelinekoh … Issue is that we really don’t have a space outside of twitter for this conversation to occur. #dhthis.” 11 Sep 2013, 20:42 UTC. Tweet.

Widner, Michael (mwidner). “@adelinekoh Scheduled Google Hangouts? Shared documents? Online forum? Lots of possibilities..” 11 Sep 2013, 20:44 UTC. Tweet.

Koh, Adeline (adelinekoh). “@mwidner yup. We started there. But as you point out, without something concrete to point at its hard to imagine/hash out possibilities.” 11 Sep 2013, 20:46 UTC. Tweet.

Huet, Helene (superHH). “A few thoughts on #DHThis as a young scholar” 11 Sep 2013, 20:44 UTC. Tweet.

Roopika Risam (roopikarisam). “Best parts of the #DHThis tag: seeing new connections form among people based on what they read on the site & seeing new projects promoted!.” 12 Sep 2013, 15:11 UTC. Tweet.